
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Quilted Playmat

After many starts, stops and distractions E's playmat is now ready for action!

Using Alexander Henry's Beep Beep fabric for the backgound, I hired my husband to be the town planning commisioner and help me with the layout. I worked on the roadway while Nate was in charge of drafting buildings and the stop sign.

I chose several coordiniating Kona solids, and used presencia thread to embroider the lines on the roadway. So far it has been a big hit, made even more special by the wooden trucks made in VT by Maple Landmark. The fact that she seems to have decided they are trains (Choo-Choo!) makes it even harder not to laugh as she drives her new delivery routes.

When playtime is over we can wrap things up and pack it away, or grab it and go for trips to the grandparents.

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